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Promoting Health Equity: The Mission of Applied Health Sciences

Published on: April 10, 2024

Health sciences researcher uses a microscope in a laboratory.

If you're interested in a career in healthcare and want to explore roles where you can make a direct difference in the lives of your patients, then a career in the applied health sciences may be right for you. Not only do applied health science professionals qualify for a wide range of job opportunities, but they also play a central role in promoting health equity in the field.  

So, what exactly does a career in applied health sciences entail, and what kind of difference can you make? 

Get Your Applied Health Sciences Degree

Understanding Applied Health Sciences 

The mission behind applied health sciences is to promote a greater sense of health and wellness for patients through communication, administration, public health policies and public health programs. 

The Multidisciplinary Nature of Applied Health Sciences  

One of the most appealing aspects of an applied health sciences degree is the potential to apply this degree to jobs in a variety of fields both in healthcare and beyond. Those who obtain degrees in applied health sciences often go on to work in healthcare marketing and communications, healthcare administration, health and wellness education, healthcare research, occupational therapy and public health.  

Because you can tailor your studies in an applied health sciences program to suit your interests and career goals, an applied health sciences degree could prepare you for any number of rewarding jobs. 

The Role of Applied Health Sciences in Promoting Health Equity  

In addition, those who work in applied health sciences play a critical role in promoting health equity across populations while working to improve public health overall. To better understand how this is the case, it's important to know the difference between health equity versus health equality. 

Whereas health equality calls for the equal treatment of all patients, health equity is more focused on working toward social justice in healthcare by prioritizing treatment for those in need. The multidisciplinary work of an applied health sciences professional can be pivotal in ensuring that underserved populations receive the care they need and deserve. 

Challenges and Opportunities  

Working in the applied health sciences can be extremely rewarding, especially when you're able to see the direct impact that your work has on your patients. At the same time, this line of work does come with some inherent challenges and obstacles.  

Impactful Innovations in Applied Health Sciences  

Those considering a career in the applied health sciences should also stay up to date on the latest innovations and technologies in the healthcare field as well as their potential impact both short and long term. 

The past few years have seen a slew of new innovations, ranging from advancements in electronic health records (EHRs) and data management to the use of telemedicine and remote patient monitoring devices. Meanwhile, other innovations like artificial intelligence and machine learning continue to have a growing place in the healthcare field. Applied health science professionals will need to be prepared to adapt to these changes as they occur to best serve their patients and populations. 

How Individuals and Communities Can Contribute 

New technologies are making it more possible than ever to achieve a greater sense of health equity across the board — but individuals and communities must be prepared to work alongside applied health science professionals to turn health equity into a reality. This means joining in the effort by supporting public health initiatives and speaking out against injustice. 

Why Is Health Science a Good Major? 

Still not sure whether a career in health science is right for you? Below are some key benefits to consider in this line of work. 

Diverse Career Options 

First, think about all the career options you'll be able to explore with a degree in applied health sciences. This is one of the most versatile healthcare degrees out there, so you can really make what you want of your education and pursue health professions that suit your interests and goals. People with applied health science degrees can go on to work in numerous types of roles, including: 

  • Health educator 
  • Clinic manager 
  • Lab technician 
  • Community health organizer 
  • Public health analyst 
  • Patient care advocate 
  • Research scientist 
  • Biostatistician   

Growing Demand  

The demand for applied health science professionals continues to rise across the board. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), for example, the job outlook for medical and health services managers alone is expected to grow by 28% between 2022 and 2032. If you're seeking a career path where you can enjoy a decent amount of projected job stability, this can be an ideal choice. 

Opportunity to Make a Difference 

Working in applied health sciences is very hands-on, so you can see firsthand the difference your efforts are making in the lives of your patients and their families. This line of work can be highly rewarding in this regard, particularly if you are passionate about helping others. 

Advancement Opportunities  

Within careers in the applied health sciences field, there are also plenty of opportunities for advancement. Many people who start out in entry-level positions are able to work their way up to supervisory or even leadership or management positions. Likewise, you can always choose to advance your career by going back to school and pursuing a healthcare degree at the graduate level. 

Personal Fulfillment  

If you're looking for a career that leaves you feeling truly fulfilled at the end of the day, then working in applied health sciences may be right for you. While the exact work you do can vary depending on your interests and role, you can rest assured that your job will have a direct impact on the communities and populations you serve. When you can go to work each day knowing you're making a difference, you can achieve a sense of personal fulfillment for which so many people strive in their daily lives.  

Explore an Applied Health Science Degree at Husson University 

There are numerous reasons to consider a career in applied health sciences, ranging from the diverse career options available to the possibilities for advancement. Plus, working in applied health sciences means you can make a real impact on the lives of your patients and their families. 

At Husson University, we're proud to offer a Bachelor of Science in Applied Health Sciences to help you pursue your career goals and break into any number of health professions. Not to mention, this program is available in a 100% online format with flexible start dates, so you can work at your own pace while tailoring your studies to your specific interests. Reach out today to learn more or begin your online application for enrollment.   

Get Your Applied Health Sciences Degree


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