School of Physical Therapy Facilities
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- Physical Therapy Facilities
Therapeutic Skills Lab
In the Therapeutic Skills Lab, students practice skills to assess and treat human movement system dysfunctions. This lab contains numerous motorized and fully adjustable plinths and a variety of commonly used equipment available in physical therapy clinics. From therapeutic exercise equipment to various tools for assessment, students use the available resources to perfect their skills in evaluation and treatment.
Click here for an interactive view: http://youvis.it/pKOWL3
Dahl Gross Anatomy Laboratory
The anatomy lab is a state-of-the-art, purpose-built facility overseen by the School of Physical Therapy enabling DPT students access seven days per week while enrolled in the graduate program. The lab contains audio-video devices to support studying human anatomy, including 3D animations and dissection resources. DPT students complete two anatomical dissection courses during their time in the graduate phase ensuring that Husson's graduates leave with a solid background in one of the most essential knowledge areas for clinical practice.

The Kenduskeag lab, located in the Swan Center adjacent to the Newman Gym, contains sophisticated equipment capable of precisely measuring many aspects of human performance in both clinical and athletic populations. This equipment includes:
- Biodex 3 isokinetic system for measuring force production of the upper and lower extremities at a wide range of speeds.
- Biopac and Noraxon EMG systems capable of measuring electrical activity of multiple muscles during activity.
- Zeno computerized gait mat used to precisely analyze spatiotemporal parameters during walking and running.
- Lite Gait body weight support system that enables treadmill and overground gait in people unable to support their own body weight.
- Cosmed Treadmill with harness is research grade treadmill that enables performers to run safely at high speeds.
- AMTI force platform that measures ground reaction forces under static and dynamic conditions.
- Cosmed K5 Portable Metabolic Analysis System allows for breath-by-breath gas analysis without the limitations of being connected to a stationary computer system.
- 4D Motion system enables kinematic measurement in the 6 degrees of freedom using small inertial measurement units (IMU) attached to the body.
- Cosmed Bod Pod Body Composition Tracking System uses air displacement plethysmography to determine body density and calculate percentage of body fat.
- Cosmed EKG allows for measurement of cardiac electrical activity during rest and exercise.
- FitLight Reaction Light Training System is a wireless reaction light sensors which allow for accurate reaction time and agility testing.
- RJL Quantum IV Bioelectrical Impedance Device enables non-invasive analysis of segmental body composition and phase angle.
- Parvomedics TrueOne 2400 is ametabolic analysis system, which allows researchers to determine numerous parameters of cardiopulmonary metabolic functioning and aerobic capacity.
- Numerous upper and lower extremity cycle ergometers that allow aerobic and anaerobic performance to be measured.
Biophysical agents lab
In this lab, students have the opportunity to practice therapeutic modalities that are used in clinical practice. In a simulated clinical environment, students can practice using electrotherapy, ultrasound and other frequently used modalities. The open space offered by this lab is also the perfect environment for our pediatric, musculoskeletal and neuro courses as it allows for more space to practice mobility skills and work with adaptive equipment.