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Nursing students work in a simulation lab with a manikin

Advantages of Simulation

Simulation-based training is a structured and valuable learning experience in healthcare. It covers crucial skills such as procedures, decision-making, communication, and teamwork. It can be scheduled at convenient times and locations, and repeated as necessary for maximum effectiveness.

In simulated environments, learners can make mistakes without experts intervening to prevent harm. By observing outcomes of their errors, they learn the importance of accuracy.

DSC01456.JPGSimulation is a versatile tool for all learners, from newbies to experts. It builds confidence and skills, and helps trainees learn new technologies safely. Even experienced clinicians can benefit from simulation when practicing rare procedures and diseases. Simulation-based training can help bridge the gap and improve patient care.

Simulations help learners and instructors identify areas for improvement by allowing immediate debriefings and detailed after-action reviews. Performance data is gathered through advanced surgical and task simulators and recorded in performance maps and logs.

Healthcare simulation shares much with established methods in aviation, spaceflight, nuclear power, shipping and the military. The rapid advance of computer science, bioengineering, and design has met demands for safer, more efficient and ethical healthcare. Simulation methods find applications when real settings do not lend themselves to artificial handling.

For more information

Phone and Email Address
Simulation Education Center Simulation Education Center

Wellness Learning Center, O'Donnell Commons, Research and Education Center
1 College Circle
Bangor, Maine 04401