King, Ellen, DNP, MSN Ed, RNC-OB

Ellen is proud to have been a Licensed Practical Nurse for 20 years, graduating from the Nevada Area Vocational Technical School in Nevada Missouri. She went on to complete her ADN from Excelsior University in 1998, her BSN in 2007 from Oklahoma Panhandle State University in Goodwell OK, her MSN with a concentration in Nursing Education from Austin Peay University in Clarksvile TN in 2009 and her DNP in Educational Leadership from American Sentinel University in 2018. She is certified by National Certification Corporation as an Inpatient Obstetrical Nurse, RNC-OB.
She is an active member of the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetrical and Neonatal Nursing (AWHONN) Maine Chapter and has held leadership positions in AWHONN in both TN and WV. She is a fetal monitor instructor, a fetal monitor instructor trainer and has taught in various hospitals across the United States. She is also a Helping Babies Breathe Master Trainer, teaching this important low resource newborn resuscitation to lay birth attendants in Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda and Mauritania. She continues to support Sigma Theta Tau International. At Husson she is pleased to be the faculty advisor to the Husson Student Nurse Association.
She lives in Winterport with her four children near and her 4 grandchildren. She enjoys travel, especially in her vintage camper, to out of the way and off the beaten path places in Maine throughout the United States.