Verrill, Rodney, BS

A versatile broadcast and video professional with more than 35+ years of production, management and supervisory experience including studio and field productions, directing, producing and facility design. He has designed and built broadcast control systems and spaces, studios and mobile production units throughout North America.
Over the years Rodney has worked closely with many networks including Fox, CBS and ESPN. Rodney holds a B.A. degree from NESCom and is a Certified EVS Operator; Grass Valley Kayak & Karrera Technical Director, Adobe Photoshop & Premiere designer and editor. With over 25 years of teaching and 15 years advising video students. Rodney lives in Carmel with his wife and enjoys watching his two sons grow in the field of mechanical engineering, he has a passion for all things sports related and the Maine outdoors.
Thirty-five years in video production and broadcast television has developed my perspective of broadcast technology, video production, computer networks and business efficiency. This has guided my teaching style to the students here at Husson University and in particular NESCom. It is my personal goal to ensure students are developing and capturing every moment while they are here to ensure they are getting the essence of what the world of video production is all about. It is my hope that they will graduate ready to take on the career they have chosen in the vast, and growing and changing world of video production.