Cunningham, Steve, PhD

Dr. Steven Cunningham is the Dr. Phil Grant Distinguished Professor of Management and Economics at Husson University. He started his career as a research mathematician and statistician, and later switched to economics. Since earning a PhD in Economics, he has worked for over 30 years as an economist. He worked as an economist at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington, DC, served on the board of directors of a national sports organization, was founding director of the Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis, was President, Director of Research and Education, and Chief Economist of the American Institute for Economic Research, and is an emeritus professor at the University of Connecticut. He has worked with governments and government agencies at every level, including heads of state. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Eastern Maine Development Corporation (EMDC), working on economic development issues in Maine. He has given speeches all over the country, and has appeared frequently on local and national television and radio as an expert in economics and finance. He has advised corporations, industry groups, and government agencies. He has published over 100 articles and his graduate students have gone on to careers with federal and state agencies, international organizations like the IMF, the World Bank, the Central Bank of Chile, and the Bank of England, and in universities like Cambridge University, the University of Athens, and Trinity College.