Sauda, Valerie, PhD, MSN, RN-BC, CNE, MGSF

Valerie received her Ph.D. in interdisciplinary studies from the University of Maine, M.S.N. in nursing with a concentration in community health from the University of Southern Maine as well as B.A. in Biology. She graduated in the first Master’s options class for students who held degrees in other fields to enter into nursing practice. Valerie has a diverse experience throughout the continuum of care including hospital, home healthcare, community based long term care, nursing education, and area agency on aging work. Her interest focuses on gerontology and rural healthcare and she is currently certified by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) as a gerontological nurse. Valerie is the immediate past President of the Maine Gerontological Society and also an MGS Fellow. Valerie is an active member of Sigma Theta Tau International and has held both local and regional positions in the organization. She lives in Bangor with her husband of over 20 years and her three lovely daughters.
As a nurse, I embrace the contribution that nurses make throughout the continuum of healthcare globally. I believe that nurses are emerging leaders in work-life balance and can help others in ensuring health is central to personal balance. As an educator, I have a strong commitment to the success of nursing students. I believe in a diverse educational experience for nursing students that involves challenges in the classroom, laboratory and in clinical settings. Through a variety of teaching methods and recognizing the importance of the individual in learning, I believe that I am able to help develop nurses who are successful in practice. I am also a firm believer in innovation, creativity, and nurses as pioneers to help move both the profession and nursing practice forward globally.