Husson University Dedicates Campus Entrance to Quirk Family
Published on: November 7, 2024
The road that connects Husson University with Griffin Road has a new name. Quirk Way was unveiled in a ceremony in early November, named for the Quirk family who have been long standing supporters of the university.
During the ceremony, which took place at the Griffin Road entrance, Husson University President Lynne Coy-Ogan unveiled a granite road marker post with the words “Quirk Way” inscribed. She also expressed appreciation for the Quirk Family’s generosity and what their relationship with the university has meant over the years, dating back to Jack Quirk Sr.’s close relationship with former president Bill Beardsley.
“That relationship with Husson spans three presidents and several decades. This entrance honors that relationship,” President Coy-Ogan said. “We are so appreciative for their generosity, not just in the ways they’ve assisted Husson’s growth but also for their strong support of the community at large. It reinforces the Husson core values of character and humility.”
The Quirk family has supported multiple areas of campus over the years including through major gifts toward the Quirk House and Alfond Hall as well as sponsoring the athletics golf tournament from 2014 to 2019. David Quirk is married to Corenna (O’Brien), a Husson graduate who helped establish an estate gift of $100,000 to create a scholarship. Also, Tricia Quirk and Corenna Quirk are members of Husson’s Board of Visitors.