Husson Faculty and Students Represented the University at Two Recent Conferences
Published on: January 22, 2025
Husson University was represented at two recent conferences held at Harvard University in Fall 2024 centered around women leaders.
Both conferences took place on Oct. 8 and 9.The Women in Leadership Conference was an opportunity for women in higher education leadership to come together, share stories and connect. The Intercollegiate Business Convention was held on the same days in a nearby space and brought together where women in college business groups to learn from women business leaders.
At the Women in Leadership Conference, two members of the Husson community spoke on panels.
Ghada Konsawa, director of Simulation Education Center, spoke on the panel “Upward Influence: Mastering the Art of Managing Up.”
Konsawa said she was proud to represent Husson while discussing emotional intelligence and its importance in managing upward.
“Being part of this panel was an amazing experience. Preparing for the panel took a couple of sessions to set the objectives and brainstorm the most compelling topics or answers to questions that might interest the audience. It was also a valuable opportunity to learn about each other and facilitate a productive conversation,” said Konsawa.
For Amy Arnett, associate provost for Online and Distance Education and interim dean for the College of Health and Pharmacy, speaking the panel “Building a Pipeline of Underrepresented Leaders in STEM,” was an opportunity to also network on behalf of Husson.
“I was able to speak to many high-level administrators about Husson and its culture. This opportunity provided me an opportunity to not only spread the name of Husson, start to make new connections for programming and student opportunities, but also to personally connect my career path with other women who have also had a similar journey,” said Arnett.
At the Intercollegiate Business Convention organized by the Harvard Undergraduate Women in Business, Husson’s Women in Business Club had the opportunity to both learn from powerful women in business and network with peers.
“One of my favorite keynotes was from Mari Llewellyn, co-founder of Bloom Nutrition. She spoke about inventing something that she knew she needed and other women would too. She also spoke about the process of getting the start-up funding, all the way to where she is today,” said Erin Toomey, president of the Women in Business Club. “All of the speakers were very inspirational and taught me about the process of becoming an entrepreneur, something I have come to be very passionate about. Overall, all of the presenters were passionate about seeing the new wave of women exceed in the business industry.”
The club’s attendance was made possible by both club fundraising and a generous gift from the Women’s Philanthropy Council.
“Beyond any words, we greatly appreciate the funding from the Women's Philanthropy Council. They are amazing supporters of our club and were even the ones to assist in funding the trip last year, which I also attended,” said Toomey. “Covering the cost of gas, three hotel rooms, and tickets for the conference is difficult for a club to undertake. Having their funding eliminated so many barriers for students to come on the trip and allowed us to take more girls to the conference.”