Husson Students Take Conservation Learning to Costa Rica
Published on: February 24, 2025

In January, just before the start of the Spring 2025 semester, 21 students in Husson University’s Legal Studies program traveled to Costa Rica to get hands-on experience in their field.
On the trip, the students learned about wildlife, agriculture and environmental protections within the rainforest ecosystem. They also harvested local crops such as coffee and sugar cane, explored the cities of San Jose and Jaco, and hiked and ziplined through the mountains.
“The trip wasn’t just about travel, which many have had limited experience doing. It was about expanding their world view by developing a deeper appreciation for conservation,” said Dr. Lori Perez, the conservation law professor who led the trip.
Perez has hosted several past trips for Legal Studies students, including to Yellowstone National Park and Alaska. This trip marks the first international destination for the program.
Although many of the travelers were Conservation Law students, other majors were welcomed too. Lorelei Beck, a freshman dual-major in Criminal Justice and Psychology, found great value in the experience for her focus as well.
“Meeting people outside of your program that all have the same interest as you was very nice. Being able to speak with some of the Conservation Law students, they were able to tell stories of things that they learned in the classroom and apply it to their personal experience on the trip,” Beck said.
Perez said this trip was one of the most unique and impactful trips that she’s run.
“I can’t think of one instance from the trip without thinking about all of them,” said Beck. “It was such a great experience.”
— Rin Gately