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Residence Life Accommodation Procedures

Husson University is committed to the support of students with disabilities and provides reasonable accommodations in campus residences. Students with a documented disability, including medical, physical, psychiatric, mobility impairments or chronic illnesses who require reasonable accommodations can request an accommodation or adjustment through this procedure. Accessibility Services works collaboratively with Residence Life to accommodate students with disabilities.

Application Process

  1. The student must apply to live on campus through Residence Life. More information can be found here. Accommodations will not be considered if you do not apply through residence life.
  2. For new requests, the student fills out the Residence Life / Housing Request for Accommodation that is submitted directly to Accessibility Services. 
  3. The student’s doctor or clinician completes the Res Life Documentation Form for Provider and submits it directly to Accessibility Services for review. If you are requesting an emotional support animal (ESA), please have your qualified doctor or clinician complete the ESA Documentation Form for Provider and submit it directly to Accessibility Services for review.*
  4. The student schedules a meeting (this meeting can be in person or over the phone) to discuss the accommodation request with the Director of Accessibility Services.
  5. All documentation is reviewed. Students will be notified through their Husson email or via phone if further information is required for review.

 *A special note for providers completing ESA documentation: It is minimally expected that a student has an existing relationship with a qualified mental health provider: that the provider is working within the competencies of their license, is trained and qualified to assess the need for a client's necessity of an ESA, and that providers are aware of potential risks involved for clients, the public, the provider, and the animal.  Online purchasing of certificates, letters, vests, identification cards, or tags of an animal's designation as an ESA are not required and are not acceptable forms of documentation. 

Deadlines for submission of all materials and completion of the steps above:

  • First year students and transfer applicants must submit their requests and provide supporting documentation by June 1st for Fall entrance
  • First-year students and transfer applicants must submit their requests and provide supporting documentation by December 1st for Spring entrance.
  • Returning Students:   Renew Your Accommodations for the 2025-2026 academic year by March 1, 2025.  The renewal process requires returning students to complete the form linked above, and Accessibility Services will notify the student if additional documentation is required to process your renewal request. 

These deadlines allow time to consider the request and coordinate placement. We cannot guarantee medical or disability single room requests made after these deadlines, or from year to year.  

Yearly Review of previously approved housing accommodations is necessary for each academic year. If updated documentation is required, Accessibility Services will notify the student.

  • The student is notified via Husson student email of the decision regarding their request. Roommate preferences cannot be accommodated through this process, as part of any disability or medical-related accommodation.
  • The student may appeal a decision when a residence/housing accommodation request is declined by following Husson’s Grievance procedure described in the Student Handbook.

Important note on single room assignments: When the number of accessibility single room approvals exceeds the number of available single rooms, a student with an approved single room assignment may be placed on a waitlist until one becomes available. Students with a residency requirement are prioritized.  Approval one year does not guarantee approval the next year. 

Please note that the submission of a request does not guarantee approval of a requested accommodation. If at any point, a student would like guidance on their accommodation status, the student should contact Accessibility Services. 


For more information

Phone and Email Address
Elizabeth Atkinson Elizabeth Atkinson
Director of Accessibility Services, Title IX Coordinator
201 Peabody Hall
Husson University
1 College Circle
Bangor, Maine 04401