Faculty/Staff Logins
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Account and Technology Information
For answers to questions about your Husson University accounts, you can contact the Information Technology Department by dialing (207) 973-1000 and Toll-Free at (866) 416-7488, or emailing us at HelpDesk@Husson.edu (please note: for security reasons, password reset assistance is best addressed over the phone)
Please note that, by signing into your Husson University Gmail or network accounts, you acknowledge that you have read and will adhere to the provisions of the Husson University policy on computer use. Before accessing any of these accounts, please review the Husson University Technology Standards and Policies documentation: http://www.husson.edu/technology-standards-and-procedures
New employees will receive notification of their Husson University account information and initial login steps to the email they provided on their application. Before logging into the Network (on-campus) or Gmail (off-campus), you will need to visit pwchange.husson.edu to access your account and create a personal password.
~Thank you,
The IT Department
Information Technology Department Hours of Operation:
- Semester Hours EST: Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- Call Center Hours: Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Important Password Information
Password management for the Husson Network account (including Husson computers, Canvas, Eagle Card, and Google accounts) will be handled by the pwchange.husson.edu site. This site allows you to clear lockouts, manually reset, or decide to change your password at any time!
To manage your password use pwchange.husson.edu and log in or use Self-Service Options to change your password. Once you've successfully changed the password on this page, it will also change the password for the following accounts:
- Network Account (Computer Labs, Library computers)
- Gmail/Google Apps Account (name@husson.edu)
- Canvas Account
- Eagle Card
- HU Wifi on personal devices
- **For students this also includes Math Placement & Housing application
If you do not know your Network/Google ID or password, please contact the Information Technology Help Desk at (207) 973-1000 for assistance.
NOTE: CAMS Faculty Portal (eFaculty.husson.edu) accounts are a stand-alone account and have to be reset manually
You can learn more about Google Apps for Education here: http://www.google.com/apps/intl/en/edu/university.html
- The network account allows you to log into Husson-managed computers, this includes hardware assigned to faculty/staff, computer labs, and library computers on campus.
- HU Wifi on personal laptops or phones when on campus.
- The network account name is made up of your last name and first initial (in some cases it may be more than the first initial)
- Example ID: JonesD or JonesDo
- Passwords are managed via the pwchange.husson.edu site
- Any issues accessing this site can be directed to the Information Technology Department for assistance
- Canvas by Instructure is Husson's Learning Management System for all classes, another way to think of it is an online interactive classroom
- As an instructor, you can receive assistance with Canvas in different ways
- Login troubles - Contact the Information Technology Department
- Customization or programming of classes - Instructional Technology
- Canvas Site: https://husson.instructure.com
- Account Credentials
- The account name and password will be the same as the Husson Gmail account and password
- For more information about computer requirements for Canvas, please follow this link.
- Your Google Apps Account includes email (Gmail), drive, calendar, and other helpful applications.
- It is critical that you access your Google Apps Account and read your email regularly.
- All notifications, all communications between you and your students, other faculty, admissions, student accounts, university security, and Information Technology, will be sent to you through this official university email.
- Account Credentials
- Email will be last name first initial(s) with the extension of @husson.edu
- Example: smithj@husson.edu
- The account password will be the same as the network account and managed by PWChange.husson.edu
- CAMS is the faculty database. This account is sometimes called the Faculty Portal and allows you to view schedules and room assignments, submit roster discrepancy reports, and submit midterm and final grades.
- PLEASE NOTE: This password is NOT linked to the Network Account
- CAMS Site: efaculty.husson.edu
- Account Credentials
- The account name will be LastnameFirstInitial(s)
- Password is set independently of Network account - to reset this password select the "Forgot Password" link under the Login button.