Resources and Services
Career Services
Career Services is here to help students and alumni make career decisions, connect with employers, pursue further education, and develop their professional lives and goals.
We can help you with figuring out your career direction, developing your resume, finding a job or internship in your field, or even finding a part time job while you're in school.
For more information follow this link, or contact 207.992.4909
Accessibility Services
If you have a disability and need accommodations or resources, contact Accessibility Services to make an appointment to discuss your individual needs. We offer a range of academic and residential life accommodations and support including success coaching. Whether in-person or online, Husson is dedicated to providing an accessible and inclusive education experience. Students must initiate contact to begin this process. Accessibility Services is located in 201 Peabody. Contact 207.973.1017 or email accessibility@husson.edu
International Student Services
Husson University supports a growing population of international students from many countries who will find a full complement of support and advocacy services within the Center for Student Success. A designated Student Success Advisor will help guide students during their transition to Husson. This includes orientation programming, connecting with academic support services, assisting with visa compliance, and facilitating communication with our immigration and visa services staff. Additionally, the advisor will provide general advising assistance and help students build community connections through a specialized week-long orientation program called EAGLEWeek.
Tutoring Center
The Tutoring Center is a student-centered resource dedicated to providing tutoring for both general undergraduate classes and degree-specific courses. The Tutoring Center is staffed by both faculty and student tutors.
Tutoring services are available for:
● Anatomy and Physiology
● Chemistry
● Biology
● Physics
● Math
● Statistics
Tutors are also available for degree-specific classes including, physical therapy, pharmacy, and more.
The Tutoring Center can also help support the development of study and time management skills through the Peer Advising Connection.
For more information follow this link, or contact 207.973.1097
Title III
The Title III team supports students’ transition to college and first-year experience. We offer advising services and programming designed to connect students with our many campus resources and provide community-building opportunities. Title III also connects students to Husson’s Laptop Loan Program, which allows students to borrow needed technology for short—or long-term use.
For more information, contact 207-973-1022
W. Tom and Bonnie Sawyer Library
The mission of the W. Tom and Bonnie Sawyer Library is to make available the informational resources that are most appropriate to the degree programs at Husson. We acquire resources suitable for introductory-level course work as well as advanced and professional-level scholarship. We also provide instruction in the use of these resources.
Sawyer Library is located on the second floor of Peabody Hall and is easily accessible from the residence halls. We maintain an environment in the library that is conducive to learning and research. When classes are in session the library is open seven days a week and is open until midnight five days a week.
Library resources can be accessed from anywhere on campus. Distance learners and students at the remote sites have access to all online resources, including electronic books and journals.
For more information on the W.Tom and Bonnie Sawyer Library, please follow this link.
Writing Center
The Writing Center is geared toward all things writing: composition, the creative process, grammar, style, perhaps even laying the groundwork for your "magnum opus." With help in evaluating your papers before they're submitted, you'll get the feedback you need and, quite probably, a better grade. Plus, it's just a neat place to hang out.
Throughout the term, the Writing Center holds informational workshops, such as how to use APA citation format.
For more information follow this link, or contact 207.973.1097
Title IX and Confidential Resource Advisors
Students and Employees may contact a CRA to assist them if they have encountered sexual assault, stalking, or intimate partner violence. CRA’s can provide emergency and ongoing support and resources. CRA’s can also assist a student or employee in making a report to law enforcement, Title IX, etc., as well as inform them of any potential outcomes and effects of each option. Confidential Resource Advisors may access and direct accommodations necessary on campus to ensure the safety and well-being of Husson students and employees. Husson University has designated two confidential resource advisors: Nichole Proulx - Lead CRA; Kristin Tripp - CRA. CRAs can be reached by emailing CRA@husson.edu or calling 207-992-1920. Title IX Coordinator, Liz Atkinson can be reached by emailing titleix@husson.edu or by calling 207-973-1017. Additional resources can be found on our Husson Supports webpage.
Chaplain Services
The Office of the Chaplain is committed to addressing the spiritual needs of all members of the Husson Community. Its mission is to foster an understanding and appreciation for the diverse religious and spiritual life on Husson's campus. We sponsor programs and events that encourage learning about various religious traditions and spiritual practices; offer noontime chapel experiences in Leonard Chapel; and collaborate with the greater Bangor religious community to connect students with local faith communities. In addition, the Office of the Chaplain sponsors retreats, concerts, and off-campus learning experiences. All faith traditions are encouraged and welcome to use Leonard Chapel, located in Peabody Hall.
For more information on the Chaplin Services, follow this link.
Counseling Services
Husson's Counseling Services Center assists students in their pursuit of success by helping students use their strengths and resources to overcome barriers and to develop new strategies to improve mood, relationships and performance. We also work with students with alcohol or substance abuse issues and help them make more responsible decisions. Students are eligible for free counseling services from our licensed mental health professionals. If you have any concerns about your student or want to better understand how we might help, please contact us.
For more information on Counseling Services follow this link.
Student Wellness Center
Husson's Student Wellness Center contributes to student success by keeping students and the campus healthy. Students are encouraged to seek health care at Student Health Services for medical care (illness, infections, injuries, and more), prescription and over-the-counter medication, reproductive health, birth control, check-ups, lab services (blood tests), referrals (x-rays, ultrasounds, etc), and allergy shots. Consultations are free to students. The Wellness Center also conducts prevention and outreach programs which focus on campus wellness.
For more information on the Student Wellness Center follow this link.