Business Internship Opportunities
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- Business Internship Opportunities
Before graduating from Husson, you and your Internship Professor will choose a specially selected site for your internship which is a required component of the School of Business. You will learn career searching techniques by working with Career Services to assist you in future job searches. You will then learn on-the-job and apply the skills you have acquired while in the classroom at the internship site for either 120 hours for three credits in the undergraduate program or 150 hours for three credits in the graduate program. Up to 15 internship credits can be earned at the undergraduate level and up to 9 internship credits can be earned at the graduate level.
Some places that Husson Business students have had internships during the course of their study are:
Acadia Federal Credit Union - https://www.acadiafcu.org/
Bangor Daily News - http://bangordailynews.com/Bangor Metro - http://www.bangormetro.com
Best Buy - http://www.bestbuy.com/
Brandywine Graphics - https://brandywinegraphics.com/
Coca Cola - https://us.coca-cola.com/
Cooper Paving - http://www.cooperpavingllc.com/
Cross Insurance - http://www.crossagency.com/
Darlings Auto Group - https://www.darlings.com/
Disney - http://profinterns.disneycareers.com/en/default/
EMMC - http://www.emmc.org/
Enterprise Rent A Car - http://www.erac.com/default.aspx
Evergreen Landscaping - http://www.evergreenlandscapingllc.com/
FedEx Ground - https://www.fedex.com/en-us/shipping/ground.html
Gaftek, LLC - http://www.gaftek.com/index.php?id=2&sub_id=205
Gifford Ice Cream - http://giffordsicecream.com/
Hannaford - http://www.hannaford.com/
Hollister Company - https://www.hollisterco.com/shop/us
Husson Human Resources Office - http://www.husson.edu/human-resources
Jackson Plumbing and Heating - http://www.jacksonph.com/
Kohl's - http://www.kohls.com/
Landry/French Construction - http://landryfrenchconstruction.com/
Maine Coast Memorial Hospital - http://www.mcmhospital.org/site/
Maine Discovery Museum - http://www.mainediscoverymuseum.org/
Maine State Government - http://www.maine.gov/portal/
Mainecut Inc. - https://www.mainecut.com/
Means Investment - http://meansinvestment.com/
Millinocket Regional Hospital - http://www.mrhme.org
MMG Insurance - https://www.mmgins.com/
Northeast Pain Management - https://northeastpainmanagement.com/
Osborne Media - https://www.osbornemedia.com/
Patron's Oxford Insurance
Pen Bay Healthcare Human Resources - http://www.penbayhealthcare.org/penbayhealthcare/service/Meet_the_HR_Staff/
Penobscot Valley Hospital - http://www.pvhme.org/
Red Cross - http://www.redcross.org/me
Rose Bike - http://www.rosebike.com/
Sam’s Club - http://www.samsclub.com/sams/
State of Maine, Department of Administrative and Financial Services - http://www.maine.gov/dafs/
State Farm Insurance - https://www.statefarm.com/
Trade Winds - http://www.tradewindsmarkets.com/
UnaRes Technologies - https://www.unabrew.com/
United States Department of Agriculture - https://www.usda.gov/
Vance Gray Wealth Management - http://vancegray.com/
Wal-Mart - http://www.walmart.com