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Preventing Crime

Authority of Husson Safety & Security

Husson University Safety & Security officers have the authority to enforce the University Community Code of Behavior. The officers are non-sworn personnel and do not have the powers to summons or arrest.

In cases of criminal activity, Husson Security Officers work closely with all state and local law enforcement agencies. All Safety & Security Officers are trained and certified in First Aid/CPR, Chemical Agents, (Pepper Spray), Baton, (Asp), Handcuffs, and also receive an additional 12 hours of law enforcement elective training during the academic year.

The Department of Safety & Security is responsible for the Husson University parking enforcement program on campus. Husson University Security personnel do have access to radar traffic devices. The speed limit is posted as either 15 or 20 MPH.


Special Alerts and Emergency Notifications

Criminal or hazardous activities that are reported to campus security authorities or local police and are considered to be a threat to students and employees will be reported to the members of the campus community.


Access to University Facilities

Husson University's buildings and facilities are readily accessible to campus community members, visitors, and guests. Security officers routinely check campus buildings and grounds on a daily basis. Authorization may be required from professors, teachers, and faculty/staff members to access certain residential rooms, offices, and labs on campus. Security officers will only unlock doors for authorized individuals. Identification must be presented to the security officer before unlocking any residential rooms, offices, and labs on campus.


Maintenance and Security of Campus Facilities

Husson University is committed to maintaining a safe and productive campus environment. The campus facilities are routinely checked for maintenance and security deficiencies. All reports that present a safety/security risk or hazard are given high priority. The Husson community is encouraged to report any maintenance or security deficiencies to the Maintenance Department or to the Department of Safety & Security as soon as they occur.


Sex Offender's List (State of Maine)

In compliance with the new laws governing the Cleary Act, a sex offender's list is available for the State of Maine. This list may be viewed by clicking here or by mailing:

State Bureau of Identification
Attn: SOR
36 Hospital Street
Augusta, Maine 04337


Think Smart...Together for a Safe Community

Most members of the Husson University Community do not protect themselves or their personal property from crime because they believe that they will never become a victim. Through the use of simple crime prevention measures, many crimes can be avoided or prevented. Your cooperation as a Campus Community Member is essential to eliminate or minimize criminal opportunity or activity.

For more information

Phone and Email Address
Safety and Security Safety and Security

106 Peabody Hall
1 College Circle
Bangor, Maine 04401
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