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Residential Policies & Procedures

Residency Requirement

All full-time, first and second-year Husson University undergraduate students must live in the campus residence halls. Students must maintain a minimum academic load of nine (9) credit hours per semester (a maximum of six (6) online credit hours may be counted towards this minimum) when residing in the residence halls.

To request to be released from the requirement (first and second-year students) to live in campus housing for the upcoming academic year, you must meet one or more of the following criteria:

  1. The student is at least 25 years of age upon entering
  2. The student is married
  3. The student is commuting from Parent(s), Grandparent(s), or legal guardian(s) residence within 30 miles of Bangor, ME. A letter must be provided by one of the aforementioned parties and contain the following information:
  •  A statement that the student will be commuting from your residence
  •  Address and phone number for the said residence
  •  Signed by a parent(s), grandparent(s), or legal guardian(s) attesting to the accuracy of information.
  1. The student is a military veteran
  2. Financial hardship (items needed for submission include)
  •  Statement of your situation
  • Documentation to support your claim of financial hardship. Examples of this can include a statement from the Office of Financial Aid showing the aid you receive, documentation of changes in job earnings, letter from you and /or parents indicating the amount of contribution being made to your education expenses, employment termination, etc.
  1. The student has a medical hardship that requires them to make other living arrangements.
  • Statement of your situation
  • Documentation from a qualified physician on official letterhead indicating a medical problem and how it affects your ability to live in residence on campus, and specifically how the proposed alternative housing will remedy your medical concern.
  1. Other (attach a letter of intent and any supplemental documentation) 

Requests to be released from the requirement to live in campus housing will be reviewed in an on-going manner and students will be notified via campus e-mail by the Dean of Student Life, or designee. 

Appeals of breakage charges may only be contested for 30 days after the charge is posted to the student’s account.

Criteria which will be considered in evaluating the request to be released from the requirement to live in campus housing include the occupancy level of the University residence halls, the maturity level of the student as evidenced by scholarship and general campus citizenship, the estimated ability of the individual to profit from off-campus living, and any extenuating circumstances relating to the specific case. Students will be billed for room and board charges if they do not receive authorization to live off campus.

For returning students (other than rising sophomores), the deadline for requesting a release from residency after contracting for campus residency is May 31. Any requests made and approved after this date will result in a breakage fee.

Requests will be reviewed in an on-going manner and students will be notified via campus e-mail.

Residency Release Request forms can be obtained through your MyHousing portal under the Applications and Request Forms tab.


Room and Board Agreement

All students living in the traditional halls or suites must sign a Room and Board Agreement and abide by its terms. Login information to the online registration to live on campus is sent out after the tuition deposit has been paid. Students should familiarize themselves with the contents of the agreement. Violations of the terms of the agreement can result in its cancellation.


Room Assignments and Changes

Husson reserves the right to make or change room assignments but will make every effort to accommodate the preferences of individual students. Returning students sign up for rooms each spring for the following academic year; entering students are provided housing material information prior to Summer Orientation.

Room Changes

Students are not permitted to change rooms without permission from the Residence Life staff. Students are responsible for filling out the proper paperwork for a room change. The student’s Resident Director (RD) will facilitate the room change after approval has been granted and before any move actually takes place.

As living with a roommate may be a new experience for students, room changes will not occur until after the Add/Drop Period each semester and until all avenues of negotiation and remediation are conducted with the roommates and the Residence Life staff. The residence hall staff is available for assistance in the resolution of any conflict. If a problem cannot be resolved, room changes are possible.


Single Rooms

Single rooms are not offered as a regular lifestyle option currently. However, as occupancy levels in the residence hall permit, single rooms may become available. If a student does reside in a single room, a per-semester additional charge will be added to her or his room and board charge. If a student does not want a single, the Office of Residence Life and the student will work together to find a roommate to avoid the single room charge.


Room Keys/Card Access 

  1. Each student will be issued one key and/or an access card. In the event of a:
    1. Lost room key - a non-refundable $50 charge will be made for the lock change and issuance of a new key that the student receives from the Office of Residence Life. A stolen key will necessitate a lock change. The student responsible for the key loss may be financially liable for all charges associated with a lock change.
    2. Lost access card - a non-refundable charge of $25 will be made for the issuance of a new access card that the student receives from Dining Services.
    3. Lost mailbox key - a non-refundable charge of $25 will be made for a lock change and issuance of a new key that the student receives from the Mailroom.

Students will be charged $50 if keys are not returned at the end of the academic year or when checking out of an assigned room during an approved room change.


Check-out Procedures

Whenever a student moves out of a residence hall room she or he must check out with a Resident Assistant or Resident Director. The checkout procedure assures that a student and a staff member jointly check the vacated room so that inappropriate damage charges are not assessed to the student. Each student is responsible for assuring that all appropriate college furniture is in her or his room at checkout time. All personal belongings, area carpeting, etc., must be removed from the student's room prior to checkout. Room keys must also be returned at checkout in order to avoid a charge for their replacement. The final determination on maintenance, custodial and other charges will be made by the Office of Residence Life staff.


Quiet Hours

Quiet hours are 9:00 pm to 9:00 am Sunday through Thursday and 1:00 am to 10:00 am Friday and Saturday. Each residence hall floor may establish additional quiet hours according to the desires and needs of its residents.

Courtesy Hours

Courtesy hours are in effect at all times in the residence halls. You have the right to ask others to refrain from making noise when that noise interferes with your study, sleep, or general use of your room. If a resident requests another resident to lower the volume or reduce the amount of noise, the expectation is to accommodate the request and reduce the amount of noise.


Health and Safety Checks

Inspections of all residence hall rooms may be conducted periodically as the need arises. Routine inspections are held to determine maintenance, security, and safety standards are being met. Twenty four hours prior notice will be given for routine Health and Safety Checks and will be attended to by the Residence Life Staff. The University reserves the right, at the discretion of the Dean of Student Life and/or his/her designee, to enter a room when there is probable cause to believe that there may be a concern regarding policy violations or the health, safety and/or welfare of the resident and/or any member of the student body. 


Washing and Vending Machines

Laundry rooms are located in the basements of each traditional residence hall and on the 4th & 5th floors of the Darling Learning Center. Vending machines are conveniently located in each building. Inoperative washing machines and vending machines should be reported to the Resident Director.



For health and sanitary reasons, pets are not allowed in the residence halls. Fish are the only animals allowed and tanks must be no larger than 10 gallons and must have a filtration system. Residents are responsible for the care and maintenance of the tank; tanks may not be left over break periods. Disposal of waste and contents of tanks may not be done in bathrooms of the residence halls. If any of these animals are found, they will be immediately removed by the Residence Life Staff and associated cleaning fees will be billed to the student. For a full statement on Animals on Campus, see the University Policies section of the handbook. All students found in possession of an unapproved pet will be subject to the student conduct process or residence informational meeting.


Break Housing

The University's residence halls are officially closed for all break periods. Students who must remain on campus during break periods (distance to travel home is too far, working on campus over break) will be charged room and board. Applications to stay for breaks must be obtained from and handed back to the Office of Residence Life, or to a Resident Director.


Cleaning and Maintenance

Custodial service is provided by the university to clean all public areas in the residence halls (stairwells, hallways, and bathrooms). Students are responsible for clean-up in these areas after any special student-sponsored activities. Student rooms should be kept clean by the occupants.


Guest Policy


All guests are considered overnight if they are present in the residence halls past 9 pm and must be registered regardless of the duration of the visit.


  • A resident student may host no more than two (2) overnight guests for a maximum of two (2) consecutive nights within a seven (10) day period.
  • All visitors staying in a Husson University residential building must be accompanied by their host at all times.
  • Residence hall keys or keyless entry devices (access cards) or Husson student IDs may not be given to a guest for any reason.
  • Overnight guests are not permitted before classes officially begin each semester, during break periods, after classes officially end, or during finals weeks.
  • The host must have their roommate’s consent for guests to stay and must also notify their Resident Assistant that it will be occurring.
  • Guest rooms are not available and lounges may not be used to accommodate overnight guests.
  • All guests must comply with University rules and regulations.
  • A student host is responsible for the conduct of his or her guest at all times.


In addition to the responsibilities and limitations outlined for Overnight Guests, students wishing to host a guest under the age of 18 must have the guest’s Parent or Guardian complete an Underage Guest Permission Form. This form must be completed no less than 48 hours in advance and returned to the Office of Residence Life for approval. Failure to receive approval for an underage guest may result in the immediate loss of all visitor privileges for the responsible host(s).


In addition to the responsibilities and limitations outlined for Overnight Guests, students wishing to host a guest under the age of 16, the guest must be a direct relative and also have the Parent or Guardian complete an Underage Guest Permission Form. This form must be completed no less than 48 hours in advance and returned to the Office of Residence Life for approval and the guest(s) must be a direct relative of their host.


For Athletic recruits or similar individuals, the host student is responsible for that individual while they are visiting the University.


Equipment Restrictions

The electrical current in residence hall rooms is designed for low wattage equipment such as lamps, clocks, radios, etc. These circuits are not designed for high wattage coil equipment such as hot plates, immersion heaters, soldering irons, electric heaters, toasters, etc. These and similar types of high wattage equipment must not be used in the residence halls. Each room is provided with a "MicroChill" unit that has a microwave, refrigerator, and freezer all in one. One additional refrigerator is permitted in each student's room, provided that it meets the following restrictions:

  • It is Underwriters Laboratory (UL) approved
  • It draws no more than 1.5 amps
  • It is properly grounded
  • It is not in excess of three cubic feet

Food stored in student rooms should be kept in authorized refrigerators or in closed containers to avoid attracting insects and to prevent contamination. For structural and safety reasons, waterbeds and home-made lofts are also not permitted in the residence halls.



Firearms, air/gas/spring-operated paintball or pellet guns, knives, ammunition, firecrackers or explosives, or any other weapons are strictly prohibited on campus. Anyone in violation of said code will be referred to the Community Code Administrator for appropriate sanctions, including possible termination of Housing Contract.


Fire Safety and Protection

Students should pay particular attention to fire safety and prevention in the residence halls. In order to prevent potential hazards, electrical circuits should not be overloaded. The use of extension cords is illegal. Only UL approved power cords can be used. Materials of any sort should not be hung near light fixtures or from smoke-heat detectors. Doorways and entryways should be free of obstruction at all times in order to expedite a quick exit in case of an emergency. Room entrances may not be blocked by closets. Room doors must be able to open all the way. Smoking, including vaping and smoke-less tobacco products, is prohibited on campus, along with the use of candles and incense or any open flame.

In case of fire:

  • Secure appropriate clothing, shoes, and towel.
  • Leave the room with lights on and blinds open. Close the door.
  • Leave the building as quickly as possible, using designated exit routes. Do not run. Evacuation plans are posted on each residence hall floor; each student should be familiar with them.

     No one may re-enter an evacuated building without authorization from the Fire Department.

      Tampering with fire extinguishers, fire safety equipment, smoke detectors, or other safety equipment is prohibited. Students found to be responsible for violating this Policy shall be held accountable under the Student Code of Conduct.

       Each residence hall will hold fire drills throughout the year. Students are expected to evacuate the residence hall immediately upon hearing the alarm sound. Failure to evacuate within three to five minutes, failure to cooperate with University personnel, or premature reentry of the building will result in disciplinary action. Any student who tampers with fire extinguishers or any fire safety equipment is subject to suspension from the University and additional conduct sanctions.


Residence Hall Alcohol Policy

Those persons under the age of 21:
It is against state law, and hence University policy, for anyone under the age of 21 to possess, sell, procure, consume or be in the presence of alcohol. What this means is that if you are under 21, you will be sanctioned if you are found drinking alcohol, in the same room as alcohol, transporting alcohol on/off campus, including transporting alcohol in/out of the residence halls and from vehicle to vehicle, being intoxicated on campus, and/or participating in any social activity involving alcohol. Even if someone present is 21 or older, it is still a violation for anyone under 21 to be present while alcohol is in the room whether it is being consumed or not. If a person under the age of 21 finds him/herself in a situation that violates the University's alcohol policy, the person should leave the situation immediately as they will still be held accountable for the violation.

Those persons 21 years of age or older:
If a resident's age is 21 or older they may responsibly possess, consume, and procure alcohol in a closed residence hall room with others of legal drinking age. They may not possess, consume, procure, transport, or provide alcohol while in the company of those under the age of 21. Being in the same room with alcohol and a person under the age of 21, whether the alcohol is being consumed or not, is still considered providing to a minor, which is not only a violation of campus policy but is a violation of state law as well. There shall be no consumption of alcohol in common areas, i.e. hallways, stairwells, or lounges.


General Alcohol Policy

  • All residents are responsible for the actions of their guests. This includes informing all visitors of the Husson University alcohol policy and making sure they are following such policy. Commuters who are in violation of the alcohol policy may have their privilege of visiting the residence halls revoked.
  • Persons are expected and required to assume responsibility for their behavior when drinking alcohol and understand that being under the influence of alcohol does not lessen their accountability.
  • No kegs, party balls, funnels, or other common source containers are allowed. Containers that once contained alcohol are not allowed, not even for decorative purposes. Such containers may be used as proof of an alcohol violation.
  • Husson University Safety & Security and the Residence Life staff reserve the right to check any bag on campus property.
  • Any alcohol that is confiscated will not be returned. All alcohol and containers will be disposed of.
  • While in the residence halls, public intoxication is forbidden. This includes any behavior which could reasonably be considered a disturbance or dangerous to others or oneself. It is under the discretion of Residence Life and/or Security as to what behavior is deemed unfit for a residence hall.
  • Alcohol consumption or possession by persons of any age is not allowed during posted chemical free periods including final exam times, breaks, etc.
  • Alcohol is not permitted at any time by any person of any age on chemical-free floors.
  • There are no drinking games allowed on campus, whether alcohol is involved or not.
  • Proper identification, verifying an age of at least 21 years old, must be available in the presence of alcohol. Failure to provide appropriate identification will result in under-age alcohol sanctions.



As a community of resident students, it is expected that the community takes appropriate care of their living environment. Damages that occur in the public areas of the residence halls due to willful misuse are the responsibility of its residential community. If damages cannot be attributed to a specific individual or party, the residents will be jointly responsible for the cost of the damages. Damage billing is posted monthly through the Student Accounts Office. If a responsible party can be identified, the appropriate conduct sanctions and/or financial restitution will be imposed respectively.

For more information

Phone and Email Address
Residence Life Residence Life

104B Peabody Hall
1 College Circle
Bangor, Maine 04401