FAQs on PT
1. Does Husson accept transfer students into the PT program?
Yes. We currently offer a number of points of entry into the Doctorate of Physical Therapy program. Students may enter into the pre-professional phase of the program depending on the number of transfer credits accepted. Students who already have an undergraduate degree, who have completed the necessary pre-professional courses, may apply for direct entry into the professional phase of the Doctor of Physical Therapy program. Applications are accepted at PTCAS.org.
2. What is the Employment Outlook for Physical Therapists?
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the mean annual salary for physical therapists was $100,440 in 2023. The BLS also projects employment for physical therapists to grow by 17% from 2021 to 2031, which is considered much faster than average. Job opportunities will be good for licensed physical therapists in all settings. Job opportunities should be particularly good in acute hospital, skilled nursing, and orthopedic settings, where the elderly are most often treated. Job prospects should be especially favorable in rural areas because many physical therapists live in highly populated urban and suburban areas. To read the entire report with information about PT demand and salary projections, log on to http://www.bls.gov/.
3. How does the Doctorate in Physical Therapy (DPT) degree influence physical therapy licensure?
According to the APTA (American Physical Therapy Association) licensure requires graduation from an accredited physical therapist professional education program and a passing score on a state licensure examination. The baccalaureate, master's and doctorate in Physical Therapy are all appropriate degrees for licensure.
4. Do I earn a Bachelor's degree if I enter the six-year Doctorate in Physical Therapy (DPT) program?
After the successful completion of the fourth year of study and all undergraduate requirements, physical therapy students are awarded a BS in Health Science or BS in Exercise Science degree.
5. When should I apply?
If you’re interested in the 3+3 B.S. in Exercise Science or Health Science/DPT program, early application is encouraged. Early acceptance is offered to applicants who meet all program requirements. If you’re interested in applying just to the graduate phase of the program, the application deadline is April 15. However, we do review and offer seats on a rolling admissions basis. Early application is also encouraged for the graduate phase in order to ensure admission requirements have been met.
6. If I am accepted into the pre-professional phase, do I have to reapply to the professional phase of the program?
Students who are accepted into the early assurance track of the program do not need to reapply as long as they have met all early assurance student requirements. Students who are accepted into the standard track are eligible to apply to the graduate phase of the program if they meet all progression requirements for standard students. Students who do not meet standard or early admission requirements are eligible to apply for available seats if they have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 to 3.199. For additional information on program progression, please click here.