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Nursing students work in a simulation lab with a manikin

High Fidelity Manikins

Laerdal Manikins

Sim-Mom-Victoria.pngSim Mom “Victoria”
Sim Mom, also known as Victoria, is a manikin designed to simulate the experience of standard birth. She can replicate normal and abnormal delivery scenarios and is primarily used by nursing students at the maternity ward in Commons Sim 217. Along with her duties as a teaching tool, Victoria enjoys listening to classic rock and chatting with students. Here are some of the key features of using Sim Mom.

Sim Mom Features
● Vital Signs(Heart, Lungs, Bowels, Pulses)
● Lifelike Birth
● Palpable Uterus
● Simulated Fluids
● Fetal Monitoring

To discover all the features of the Manikin, Click here:
To discover all the features of the Manikin, please follow this link:

Sim NewB “Bob”
Bob is a high-fidelity Baby Laerdal manikin. His chest rises during respiration, and his vital signs can be recorded. He can make spontaneous movements with his limbs and produces a range of sounds, from content coos to distressed cries. Being a baby, Bob enjoys the simple pleasures of eating, sleeping, and... well, you know, just being a baby all day. He is with his Mom in Commons Sim 217.

IMG_8290.JPGSim NewB Features
● Vital Signs (Heart, Lungs, Bowels,
● Functioning Airways
● Seizure Capabilities
● Cyanosis (Blue Skin) when low oxygen
● Compatible with many airway devices

To discover all the features of the Manikin, Click here:
To discover all the features of the Manikin, please follow this link:

Sim Jr. “Sam”
Our Simulation Education Center has two high-fidelity kids' Laerdal manikins, one of whom is named Sam. He is found in Commons Sim 217. The manikin is designed to represent a specific age group of children to train our students on the problems they can see in that age group of patients. Although Sam is slightly clumsy, he loves playing soccer and eating pizza. You can often find him in the pediatric ward's orthopedic room.

SimJunior.jpgSim Jr. Features

● Vital Signs (Heart, Lungs, Bowels, Pulses)
● Functioning Airways
● Seizure Capabilities
● Anatomically accurate airway to the trachea
● Compatible with many airway devices
● Capable of Intraosseous (Bone) Injections

To discover all the features of the Manikin, Click here:
To discover all the features of the Manikin, please follow this link:

Sim Man 3G “Nick”
We have three adult Laerdal manikins in our simulation center, one of whom is Nick, also known as "Dad." Nick is a robust high-fidelity manikin that students can perform several things, including an IV infusion, inserting urinary catheters and NG tubes, etc. Nick is a valuable asset to our Wellness Simulation Center, where he resides and assists in teaching assessment and intervention skills to students.

SimMan3G.jpgSim Man 3G Features

● Vital Signs (Heart, Lungs, Bowels, Pulses)
● Functioning Airways
● Anatomically accurate airway
● Compatible with many airway devices
● Sweat and tear ducts
● Blinking eyes
● Different pupil sizes

To discover all the features of the Manikin, Click here:
To discover all the features of the Manikin, please follow this link:

Sim Nursing Anne “Auntie Anne”
Anne is a Laerdal manikin that provides high-fidelity simulation with anatomical realism. She has bone structures that serve as landmarks beneath her skin, making her one of our favourite manikins to use when practicing ostomy care. She has stoma sites on her stomach. Anne works with her brother, Nick, at the Wellness Simulation Center.

Sim-Nursing-Anne-copy.pngSim Nursing Anne Features
● Vital Signs (Heart, Lungs, Bowels, Pulses)
● Anatomically accurate airway to the
● Compatible with many airway devices
● Existing stoma sites for realism
● Increased flexibility to sit up and bend.

To discover all the features of the Manikin, Click here:
To discover all the features of the Manikin, please follow this link: