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Financial Aid Information


Financial aid can vary depending on a student's academic standing and financial circumstances. Our office is here to help students and their families understand the variety of assistance options available and help with navigating the many steps involved in applying for financial aid.

  1. Your Student Needs to Complete the FAFSA
  • Needs to be completed every year your student attends college, even through Graduate school!
  • It can be filed as early as December 31 
  • June 1 is the priority aid deadline for FAFSA applications at Husson
  1. Financial Aid Eligibility

Financial Aid is largely determined by how many credits a student is taking. The number of credits determines “enrollment status.”

  • 12+ credits: Full-time enrollment, eligible for ALL types of aid
  • 6-11 credits: Half-time enrollment, eligible ONLY for federal and state aid and any outside scholarships; NO Husson aid
  • 1-5 credits: No federal loans, state, or Husson aid. Pell-eligible students may be eligible for a small portion of the Pell Grant (starting 24-25) and outside scholarships.     
  1. Outside Scholarships

If a student has been awarded a scholarship outside of the Husson Financial Aid office we need to be informed. Please upload proof of the award to the Financial Aid Office through the Student Portal

  1. Veterans Education Benefits

If you anticipate using Veterans Education Benefits during your enrollment at Husson, please contact Danielle Leighton at or 207.941.7034.

  1. Understand the Federal Privacy Act (FERPA). 

Once a student is enrolled at Husson University, we cannot discuss their information with anyone else (this includes parents, families and spouses). For more information on FERPA please click here. 

  1. The Financial Aid Office gives, but it can also take away!
  • Unexpected changes to credit hours, enrollment status, housing, etc. will almost always impact award amounts.
  • If there are changes being planned have your students reach out directly to the financial aid office to best understand the impact of any changes they are planning BEFORE they are made.
  1. Academic Summer Plans

Aid for summer courses comes from any unused aid from fall and spring and, if eligible, Pell Grant funds. Students must be enrolled at least half-time to be eligible for any aid, other than private loans, in the summer. If your student is even considering summer classes, encourage them to contact the Financial Aid Office. They will help your student plan ahead and avoid financial surprises.  

  1. Financial Aid Awards After the First Year

Returning students receive annual financial aid awards via their email accounts after the April 15 FAFSA deadline.    

  1. Financial Aid Limits
  • Federal Student Loans, Pell & State Grants each have yearly and lifetime limits
  • You can learn more online or have your student contact the Husson Financial Aid office for more information about lifetime aid limits.           
  1. Financial Aid Forms

If we request a University related form from you or you need to accept or make a change to your award, those documents can usually be found on our website at
Use care to select the correct year’s forms.          

  1. Selected for Verification

If a student is “Selected for Verification,” you did nothing wrong! This request comes from the Department of Education, who asks us to confirm the accuracy of FAFSA application details for a percentage of all aid applicants. We will do our best to make the process easy for you, but we will need tax documents from the student and family.

  1. Social Media

We use social media to share important information about scholarships, fun facts, and FAFSA application and other important deadlines.
 HUFinancialAid | HU_FinAid |  Hussonfinaid

  1. Students in combined undergrad/graduate programs

Once a student has attained graduate status, their financial aid eligibility changes.


Financial Aid FAQs

For more information

Phone and Email Address
Financial Aid Financial Aid

1st Floor O'Donnell Commons
1 College Circle
Bangor, Maine 04401