- Clubs and Organizations
- Community and Student Engagement
- Dining
- Mailroom
- Residence Life
- Student Handbook
Campus Safety and Security
- Active Shooter Information
- AED Locations
- Alerts
- Annual Security Report
- Emergency Notification System
- Husson Supports
- It's On Us
- Parking Map
- Parking Rules and Regulations
- Preventing Crime
- Register My Vehicle
- Reporting a Crime
- "Safe Walk" Escorts
- Safety Tips
- Safety and Security Staff
- University Policies
- Wellness Center

Take the It's On Us Pledge
Take the Pledge!
Show your support at Husson by filling out the pledge card when you see the IT'S ON US tables at campus events. You can even set up your own pledge-gathering groups, take a picture of yourselves (showing your wristbands!) and send the photos to gmitterj@husson.edu to be posted on our Facebook page. Pledge cards and wristbands for group gatherings can be obtained by emailing Janine Gmitter in Athletics or Pamela Kropp-Anderson kroppandersonp@husson.edu in Student Life.
Join the National Conversation!
You can also take the pledge at the national level by going online to the IT'S ON US website at www.itsonus.org. Be sure to have a picture of your face handy so you can upload your image to their site.
Husson is proud to join in with IT'S ON US campaign--there are 78 official national partners including the NCAA, Snapchat, Microsoft, EA, MTV, and Tumblr.