Wildey Communications Center
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Wildey Communication Center Hours
The Wildey Communications Center, centerpiece of the New England School of Communications experience, is the "digital environment" necessary to succeed in today's high-tech world.
Built in 2001, the WCC is filled with media facilities for students. Classrooms, a television studio, an audio engineering studio, control rooms, video editing production suites, and newsroom are just some of the facilities that are inside. In addition, students operate WHSN-FM, the award-winning Husson University campus radio station and on-campus cable Channel 5 with studios in the Wildey Communication Center.
Click here for an interactive view: https://youvis.it/lSsDPb
Equipment Distribution Center (EDC) Hours
8 am - 1 am
Saturday & Sunday
10 am - 1 am*
*Please note that there is inventory on all video equipment Sunday 2 pm-5 pm. During this time equipment cannot be signed out.
The building also houses the Equipment Distribution Center, a hub of mobile gear for students to use in field productions of video, audio engineering, digital photography and journalism.
NESCom Mobile Productions
The New England School of Communications is home to a 32-foot mobile production trailer that houses video, sound and lighting equipment for remote use.